Friday, February 5, 2010

Personal How Personal Should School Teacher And Counselors Get With Students?

How personal should school teacher and counselors get with students? - personal

What are your experiences with good and bad teachers / consultants? What are the characteristics for success? Are they more or less staff? Do not tell me to take personal things about themselves and make connections with their life or work and make it interesting in any way?

Would you like to send you personally? Or what if they are objectively and show something about yourself?

What kind of approach has found that working for you and students?


midmomav said...

Teah my favortie team has always been with me, my fav teacher is now playing ball with me than 2 / 3 days in the week after skool, me and some good friends ... Lotta and fun, and the class seems to be easier because we played along.While over our lives and we understand each other very well ... only know the plot line ... All that to say what I do!
I also have a different teacher, tells the never before in his life, and I think hes just not cool when someone I skool play with the ball!

~Sara~ said...

I think that teachers and counselors, the staff must get to a certain level. When I tell students things about them or their personal lives, students are comfortable and easy with them and seem more reliable. I think there is a line that does not not go so well that the teacher-student relationships. It is with each other. I think as people are sometimes too quick to assess people based on their right to personal data of the stick. Will of course do not judge us, but it happens. I like the more objective approach.

FRESiTAS said...

0MGG i w0uLd \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3 T0 BE THAT C0UNSELER CUZ I w0uLd c00l HELP S000 & & BE pe0ple everyone in your company! S00000 awesum! L0L .. ANYWAYSS'd bad I C0UNSELER CUZ WAT RU d0in HELL ?!?!?! WATTT as WATTTT u do? Hahha ... I would psych0 YAHH .. Well, I am haha .. TTYL H0e anywaysss buh bye! =)

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